
We met him when he was 17 and we had to wait for him to turn 18 so we could take all his clothes off. .

Now Alec is 24 years old, 181 cm tall, with brown eyes and brown hair that can sometimes be short and sometimes very long. Alec likes to change his appearance and suddenly he appears with a beard and mustaches, and others shaved that he looks like a baby.

He is a professional model and usually does fashion shows; he also works part-time as a security guard, but he is studying Business Administration. .

Working with Alec is very fascinating and easy to do, he knows how to pose and you don't have to guide him to get great pictures. I hope he decides to make videos one day.

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It's great working with you; I like to experience new sessions and have challenges. I don't normally do nude modeling, but if they ask, it's done. In any case, the first time I was very nervous, maybe because I hadn't done it before.
- Alec Claptone

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